Sunday, 13 December 2020

On the Track of 007: Cote d'Azur


James Bond location guide: "On the Tracks of 007: Cote d'Azur, Written by Simon Firth, Cover artwork by Jeff Marshall.

Saturday, 14 November 2020

Folio Society Edition of OHMSS

Hardcover edition of "On Her Majesty's Secret Service", Ian Fleming, illustrated by Fay Dalton, Folio Society 2020

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Greek Goldfinger Magazine

Greek picture magazine for "Goldfinger"

Thanks to Anagnostis for sharing this!

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Goldfinger Marketing Guide

Finished: Marketing guide for the worldwide campaign of  "Goldfinger"

Sunday, 2 August 2020

James Bond Tribute Artwork

"Death, Instead of Cartier" - “Octopussy” tribute artwork by Gerald Wadsworth

More of his work here:

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Live And Let Die Special

Original artwork for Marvel Comics, March 1974, art by Pablo Marcos 
It was featured in the Marvel Zombie Tales 1974 special for "Live and let Die" 

Big thanks to Alan and Thomas for sharing this.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Moonraker Tribute Artwork

Moonraker tribute artwork by Peter Lorenz, 80 x 47 cm, gouache on artboard

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Marketing Guides: Thunderball and You Only Live Twice

Last December I compiled a marketing guide for "Thunderball" as a Christmas gift for my close collector friends. Things got a bit out of hand and I ended up with 118 pages to cover every country and item that I knew off. And now the Corona lockdown gave me the time to create the same for “You Only Live Twice”. Both are non-commercial projects for fun.  

Friday, 8 May 2020

Devil May Care Artwork

Concepts and final artwork for the US hardcover edition of "Devil May Care" Art by Mark Stutzman.

Thanks to Thomas for sharing this.

Entertainment Weekly Artwork

Illustration for the 2012 issue of "Entertainment Weekly", Art by Marc Stutzman.

Thanks to Thomas for sharing this

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

No Time To Die Illustration

Editiorial illustration for "No Time To Die" by Kornel Stadler.

More information here:

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Tribute to Frank McCarthy

Art tribute to Frank McCarthy's artwork for "Thunderball", painted by Peter Lorenz, gouache on artboard, 120 x 50 cm.
Original James Bond artwork by John M. Burns.

Thanks to Anagnostis for sharing this.

Cover for the Indian (?) magazine Starpics featuring Craig from "Spectre"

Thanks to Anagnostis for finding this.

Folio Editon of The Spy Who Loved Me

Illustrated hardcover edition of Ian Fleming's "The Spy Who Loved Me", Folio Society, 2020. Artwork by Fay Dalton.

No Time To Die Tribute Artwork

Art tribute for "No Time To Die" . Thanks to Mark for sharing this.

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Original Thunderball Frank McCarthy Artwork

Original painting by Frank McCarthy for "Thunderball", 60 x 90 cm, casein on illustration board

From The Nixdorf Collection

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Live and Let Die Comic Adaptation

Comic adaptation of Ian Fleming's "Live and Let Die". Cover artwork by Fay Dalton, comic artwork by Kewber Baal. Dynamite Comics 2019

Tribute Artwork

James Bond tribute artworks created for a charity project by UK illustrator Ash Loydon

Thursday, 30 January 2020

Book Cover Artwork Dr No

Cover artwork for the 1979 hardcover edition of "Dr No" by Swedish publisher Bonniers. Thank you Anders!

Saturday, 25 January 2020

Icebreaker Book Cover Art

Original cover artwork for the Swedisch hardcover edition of "Iskallt for 007" (Icebreaker) written by John Gardner. Artwork by Johnny Påhlsson. Thanks to Anders for sharing this!

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Comic Cover Artwork

Dynamite covers by Jimmy Cheung for the first three issues of new James Bond comic. From Pencil to final cover 

The Living Daylights Concept

Concept work  for "The Living Daylights" by Morgan Weistling. Thanks to Thomas for sharing this.

Goldfinger Tribute Artwork

Tribute Artwork by Mark Raats for "Goldfinger". Thanks to Davide for sharing this!