More variations for the same illustration, this time the "Look Up" series: 1 is the orginal used in the posters & campaign
2 is taken from a puzzle. The interesting part: Another artist completed the image with a castle in the backgound.
3 is one of my favourite Thunderball artwork: It's wasn't used in the orginal release campaign of the film but surfaced in the 80ies on a VHS video cover. The Spyguise shop released a limited edition print in the 90ies.
I always loved the underwater battle in Thunderball. It was captured perfectly by Frank McCarthy for the "Look up, look down, look out" campaign. There are three interesting variations to the illustration:
1 is the original, used in most of the posters by Frank McCarthy.
2 shows the underwaterbattle from the reversed angle, the bad guys in the front. This comes from the Thunderball board game published by Milton Bradly in 1964.
3 is taken from a French poster: It's the reversed scenario with Connery superimposed on top.
In 1965 the artists Robert McGinnis and Frank McCarthy created the artwork for Thunderball. This illustration was rarely used due to it's sexual undertones:
1 is the original, painted by McGinnis
2 is the toned-down version
3 was used in an italian insert style poster
4 comes from the official Thunderball letterhead by the production company
This blog is dedicated to the artwork and illustrations of James Bond in books, magazines and posters. Especially the strange bits and pieces, that are not published often or the plain nerdy things like the differences between book printing 1 and 7...