Wednesday, 30 December 2009

James Bond Role Playing Game

"The Man With The Golden Gun", Role Playing Game by Victory Games 1985

Aston Martin by Gilbert

"James Bond's Aston-Martin", box illustration, Gilbert Toys 1967.

Monday, 28 December 2009

Dr No Paperback from Israel

"Dr No", paperback from Israel published by Mizrahy Books, Tel Aviv in the sixties.

Thunderball Pillow Case

"James Bond 007 Pillow Case", inspired by Thunderball, produced by PFI Manufactures in New York, 1966.

Sunday, 27 December 2009

More Polish James Bond 007 Paperbacks

"Operacja Piorun" (Thunderball), Ian Fleming, Polish paperback published by Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnicze Rzeczpospolita SA, Warsaw 2008 illustration by: Marcin Kulesza/Fabryka Wyobrazni.
"Szpieg, ktory mnie kochal" (The Spy Who Loved Me), Ian Fleming, Polish paperback published by Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnicze Rzeczpospolita SA, Warsaw 2008 illustration by: Marcin Kulesza/Fabryka Wyobrazni.
Big thanks to Marcin for providing the all the scans of this series.

Toyota Model Kit by Airfix

Box artwork for the Airfix model kit of the Toyota 2000 GT used in "You Only Live Twice".

Italian Goldfinger Paperback

"Missione Goldfinger" (Goldfinger), Ian Fleming, Italian paperback published by Oscar Mondadori in 1987.

Win, Place, or Die

"Win, Place, Or Die", a "Find Your Fate" James Bond adventure based loosly on the movie "A View To A Kill", R.L. Stine, Ballantine Young Adult Books 1985.

German Gardner Paperbacks

German paperback editions of the John Gardner 007 novels:
"Moment mal, Mr. Bond" (For Special Services), Heyne 1986, cover illustration by Aldo Di Gennaro.
"Niemand lebt fuer immer" (Nobody Lives Forever), Heyne 1986, cover illustration by Bernhard Foerth.

Saturday, 26 December 2009

Thunderball Jigsaw Puzzle

James Bond 007 "Thunderball" jigsaw puzzle by Arrow 1965

Turkish Paperback Artwork

Cover artworks by Aslan Sukur for the Turkish paperback editions by Tay publications in the lates seventies for:

"KRALIÇENIN HIZMETINDE" (On Her Majesty's Secret Service) - left
"ALTINPARMAK" (Goldfinger) - middle
"HAREKATI" (Moonraker) - right

Thanks to Omer from "The Figure Collector" for sharing these!

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Aston Martin Model Kit by Airfix

Box artwork for the Airfix "James Bond Special Agent Aston Martin" model kit, circa 1965.

More Polish Bond Paperbacks

"W tajnej sluzbie Jej Krolewskiej Mosci" (On Her Majesty's Secret Service), Ian Fleming, paperback published by Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnicze Rzeczpospolita SA, Warsaw 2008 illustration by: Marcin Kulesza/Fabryka Wyobrazni

"Zyje sie tylko dwa razy" (You Only Live Twice), Ian Fleming, paperback published by Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnicze Rzeczpospolita SA, Warsaw 2008 illustration by: Marcin Kulesza/Fabryka Wyobrazni

"Czlowiek ze zlotym pistoletem" (The Man With The Golden Gun), Ian Fleming, paperback published by Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnicze Rzeczpospolita SA, Warsaw 2008, illustration by: Marcin Kulesza/Fabryka Wyobrazni.
Thanks to Marcin for providing the scans and book info!

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Goldfinger Airfix Model Kit

Box illustration for the "James Bond & Odd Job" model kit by Airfix, 1964 (?).

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Spears Bond Game

"The JAMES BOND 007 - Secret Service Game", published by Spear Games in 1965.

James Bond Tributes By Phil Noto

James Bond Tribute artwork by artist Phil Noto. Check out his site here

James Bond Secret Agent 007 Game

Board Game "James Bond Secret Agent 007" by Milton Bradley, 1964. The original version shows Sean Connery, the later version shows a genric "agent" due to copyright issues.

I've published a low-res version of this previously, here are the hi-res scans directly from both originals.

Italian James Bond Comic

"Missione Royal" - Italian publication of the "Casino Royal" comic strip by John McLusky, published by Giallo Selezione in August 1965, paperback-sized softcover.

Monday, 7 December 2009

Goldfinger Puzzle

"James Bond 007 Goldfinger" Jigsaw Puzzle, Milton Bradley 1965. The puzzle itself shows a larger part of the image than the box. I left some of the puzzle piece lines in the restored image as a refernce.

Thanks to my wife Mia for assembling the puzzle!

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Goldeneye Comic Adaptation - 3rd Cover

Cover illustration for the un-released third "Goldeneye" comic book, artwork by Brian Stelfreeze.

Thanks again to Joerg for providing the background info.

James Bond Omnibus

"James Bond Omnibus"consisting of "Moonraker", "From Russia With Love", "Dr. No", "Goldfinger", "Thunderball" and "On Her Majesty’s Secret Service", published by Chancellor Press in 1994.

Thanks to Merlijn from James Bond Nederland for sharing this.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Goldfinger Artwork

Illustration by Walt Howarth for "Goldfinger" - Howarth did several Bond related artworks such as the UK 1960ies annuals and some Arrow puzzle covers.

Thanks to Robin for the background info.

Goldeneye Comic Adaptation

Comic adaptation of "Goldeneye", Topps Comics 1996, cover artwork by Brian Stelfreeze. Issue one and the rare second issue, cover and separate artwork.

Does anyone has seen the third issue of this?

Diamonds Are Forever Poster from Japan

Poster variations of the "Diamonds Are Forever" artwork by Robert McGinnis, original 1971 release on the left, Japanese version on the right. The Japanese version has some subtle changes such as the real water instead of the McGinnis illustration, different halo of the sattelite, submarine and less subtle changes such as the gun ;-)

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Spanish Role Playing Games

Spanish Role Playing Game books for "Panorama Para Matar" (A View To A Kill) and Goldfinger.

Thunderball Concept Artwork

Concept artwork by Frank McCarthy for "Thunderball". Lovingly restored by Jonathan from the Thunderball jigsaw puzzle by Milton Bradley. He scanned the puzzle and removed all the lines, what a job! He also shared the original Bond artwork below. Check out his site:

Spanish Bond "Biography"

"James Bond: Biografía No Autorizada" by Joaquín Rodríguez Burgos, illustrtions by Santiago Verdugo and Antonio Ribera, published by Editorial Páginas de Espuma (Madrid) 2004.

Head over to "Una Plaga De Espias" for more details

Sunday, 22 November 2009

For Your Eyes Only

International variation of the artwork for the 1981 advertising campaign for "For Your Eyes Only", designed by Bill Gold with art by Brian Bysouth.(International top, UK version below)

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Diamonds Are Forever Poster

Promotional British advance double-crown poster that was released alongside the launch of "Diamonds Are Forever" in 1971, artist unknown. The woman in the illustration reminds me a bit of the Barbarella poster...

Polish Paperbacks

Polish paperback editions of:

"Osmiorniczka" (Octopussy & The Living Daylights), Ian Fleming, published by Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnicze Rzeczpospolita SA, Warsaw 2008 cover illustration by: Marcin Kulesza/Fabryka Wyobrazni.
Polish titles of short stories:
- Osmiorniczka (OCTOPUSSY)
- Wlasnosc pewnej damy (THE PROPERTY OF A LADY)
- W obliczu smierci (THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS)
- 007 w Nowym Jorku (007 IN NEW YORK)

Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, published by Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnicze Rzeczpospolita SA, Warsaw 2008 cover illustration by: Marcin Kulesza/Fabryka Wyobrazni.

"Tylko dla twoich oczu" (For Your Eyes Only), Ian Fleming, published by Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnicze Rzeczpospolita SA, Warsaw 2008 cover illustration by: Marcin Kulesza/Fabryka Wyobrazni.
Polish titles of short stories:
- W perspektywie mordu (FROM A VIEW TO A KILL)
- Scisle tajne (FOR YOUR EYES ONLY)
- Wskaznik ukojenia (QUANTUM OF SOLACE)
- Ryzyko (RISICO)
- Specjal Hildebranda (THE HILDEBRAND RARITY)

Scans and info courtesy of Marcin.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

A Silent Armageddon

Issue 1 and 2 of "A Silent Armageddon", James Bond Comic illustrated by John Burns, Dark Horse Comics 1993

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Polish James Bond Paperbacks 2

"Diamenty sa wieczne" (Diamonds Are Forever), Ian Fleming, paperback published by Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnicze Rzeczpospolita SA, Warsaw 2008, cover illustration by Marcin Kulesza/Fabryka Wyobrazni.

"Pozdrowienia z Rosji" (From Russia With Love), Ian Fleming,paperback published by Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnicze Rzeczpospolita SA, Warsaw 2008, cover illustration by Marcin Kulesza/Fabryka Wyobrazni

"Dr No", Ian Fleming, paperback published by Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnicze Rzeczpospolita SA, Warsaw 2008, cover illustration by Marcin Kulesza/Fabryka Wyobrazni.

Thanks again to Marcin for providing the scans and book info!