I've set myself the goal to reproduce all Thunderball artworks using the same materials, colours and (almost) the same formats. Just finished the Thunderball "Look Down" artwork based on Frank McCarthy's original. Sadly my digital camera does not capture the details too well, scan shows the face a bit better. Below a work-in-progress version without the air bubbles and the diver still as a sketch.Frank McCarthy's original for comparison below.
Original concept artwork for "A View To A Kill" by Vic Fair, 1985; mixed media on paper, 79 x 71 cm. Auctioned at Christie's London on 15 June 2011. Thanks to Anita for finding this!
Cover artwork for "Big Bond Movie Themes", EMI /mfp 50227, Geoff Love & His Orchestra, 1975.Design on the left by Tom Chantrell.A second edition showed a similar cover with all the faces changed.