Original "Look Up / Jetpack" artwork by Frank McCarthy for the film "Thunderball", 91 x60 cm, casein paint on artboard. I was fortunate to view the original and the detail and craftsmanship is simply stunning.
The days of painted front-of-house advertising are over. But the tradition survived in Greece as these examples from "Skyfall" and "Spectre" illustrate. Thank to Anagnostis and the James Bond Greek Fans Community on FB for sharing this!
Artwork by Fay Dalton for the 2015 edition of Ian Fleming's "Casino Royale", published by the Folio Society. The edition features several more illustrations.
Check out the latest issue of MI6 Confidential with a very interesting special about the artworks for "Licence To Kill". The magazine is available here.
Cover variations for the upcoming James Bond 007 comic series "Vargr" by Dynamite, written by Warren Ellis with art by Jason Masters. The covers are created by various artists.
These Dr No / From Russia With Love Combo posters came up at an auction recently. They were described as 1965 combo posters from the UK measuring 40 x 60 inches. I've never seen them before. Anyone knows what they are?
Illustration from the weekly German magazine "Stern" for the promotion of Ian Fleming's "Du Lebst Nur Zweimal" (You Only Live Twice). Artwork by Urs Landis.
Some nerdy trivia on the side: When the first book edition of YOLT was released in Germany, it was called "James Bond Rides The Tiger".
Thanks to Thomas from the Nixdorf Collection for sharing this!
Bengali editions of James Bond books.I found these on Facebook (I believe) but do not remember the person who posted them. But: Thank you for sharing them - they are something different!
Three different shop displays from the British news agent chain WH Smith promoting merchandise for the film "Thunderball". These images come from the WH Smith inhouse promotion magazine "Contact" published in 1966. Thanks to Robin for sharing these!
German pressbook called Werberatschlag (advertising advice) for "James Bond 007 Jagt Dr. No" (Dr No). It consists of a fold-out envelope that features a mini-poster and images of the release posters on the back.Inside is a collection of sheets with newspaper ads and photos for the press.
German press information. The inside is a collection of typed text with information about the movie. Also a preview slide that was used instead of a trailer.
Cover artwork for the Danish comic version of "Man Lever Kun To Gange" (You Only Live Twice), issue 12. The artwork is clearly based on Connery in Goldfinger.
Cover artwork for the Danish James Bond Agent 007 comic "Dod Og Diamanter" (Diamonds Are forever). Artist unknown. If I remember correctly, I've got this from my collector friend Soeren over 20 years ago.
What to you get when you cross the "Moonraker" advance poster with the Airfix model kit? The June 79 cover for the "New Scientist" magazine. Thanks to Robin for sharing this.